Film review!


My team completed. That took a lot of effort, but it was well worth it. It was wonderful to work with my group. Working together was never really an issue for us. For a future project, I would without a doubt team up with them once more. To guarantee that we fulfilled deadlines on time, we had to make sure we have communication throughout this project. Due to our hectic schedules, we had a few challenges to overcome, but we did so as a team. I reconnected with my group to discuss and rewatch our movie.My group was quite anxious about having a peer assess our work. We were aware that certain adjustments were needed. But, we first had someone examine our project. We had to modify our project for one scene in our movie because of the lighting. We had to adjust our timing as well because our film ended up being too long. They hired an editor for our movie and had certain things to check. They didn't like how some of our flicks proceeded too slowly. They also picked up on some modifications we could make to the lighting. They thought the movie was good, but it simply needed some adjustments.They provided us with some editing advice. They instructed us to edit the duration of a few clips. The next time, we will fix our film and be ready.


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