Short film: Fiction

 The ninth short film opens in a very gloomy and menacing environment. We rapidly saw that the genre had many characteristics with the action genre and was quite comparable to it. It was an action/thriller the entire time. There were several battle scenes and jump scares. Like in a usual action movie, there was a lot of CGI and gloomy visuals. The film's plot was plainly brief, and because it was so short, the audience was thrust into the center of a lengthier narrative. It follows character 9 as he seeks retribution for his comrades' deaths and vanquishes the monster responsible.There isn't much character growth, however one example is that character 9 was first afraid before becoming courageous. Since there is no speech in the short film, sound effects play a significant role in it. There are several distinctive sound effects and loud crashes, which are typical of the action genre. The feature-length movie was different in a lot of ways. The short film lacks conversation, although the feature-length movie does. The full-length movie appeared to lose some of its dark elements and its genre in comparison to the short movie since it concentrated less on the thriller/horror part. Although we think the short film makes greater use of sound effects, the full-length movie also makes better use of music.Since there was no conversation and a hushed environment, the short film concentrated more on the sound effects. a characteristic that is common to full-lens


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