Done filming and onto editing


So we finished filming. Now all we have to do is edit. I started out by cutting our clips to the proper length. I took advice from the person that had an opinion. I fixed the brightness. I adjusted the angels. It took me a while to understand how to use iMovie. So, I tried different editing apps. I ended up liking iMovie better and just stuck to my original option. I had a hard time picking out music. I also didn't want to use copyright music. I spent two hours trying to figure out what background music would make it more suspenseful. As I was editing my group was reviewing our clips. I knew my group wasn't going to finish editing today. My group watched a bunch of videos on how to edit. My favorite part about this project so far was getting closer with my group. I was scared at first because they are all juniors and I am a sophomore but they treated me very kindly. Im glad I got closer with my group because it allowed the project to run very smoothly. We should finish editing by tommorow and have a well rounded project. Till next time.. 


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