intro blog

 Hi, my name is Jade Adriana Walrave. I am 15 years old (almost 16). I was born on a bright and sunny day in may. A taurus(the best astrology sign out there.) I have many interests in my life. Some of them include soccer which I have been on a soccer team ever since I was 5. I love hanging out with my friends and family. I have wanted to be a personal chef when I was younger. I would cook everything and everyday. I have cooked everything from almost every cuisine. I have a dream of my self when i’m older to become a personal chef and cook for someone famous. Then once I get my name out I want to open my own restaurant. I want to create a family and settle down and introduce culinary to my children. Right now as a high school student. I want to succeed in class and become a major in nutrition. I am currently in aice classes and want to get bright scholars. I wanna go to Fsu or usf. My other option is to go to a culinary school. Finally, I want to have a good high school experience. To keep my loyal and amazing friends. 


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