group blog

  My first group member is Mya Hauser. I met Mya through Katie. She is a very close friend now. She is a good script writer. She has many strengths. She will contribute a lot to our group. The next group member is Katie Weiss aka my best friend. I met her though aice testing because she sat right behind me. I know she's a hard worker and very smart. She is really good at acting. She did theatre for many years.Katie and Maya are really nice and both have a lot of benefits. One of their strengths is determination.They are a hard workers and doesn't let anything get in their way. They both are  good filmers as well as have many amazing ideas. I also contribute to my group. I am a great filmer as well as listener. I use my strengths to help my group strive. I believe our group will strive with all of our core group members. I envision great success in our group and how we work. We are all very smart and work extremely well together.We worked as a team for our last project and it turned out as a success. Not to my surprise though. 


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