Were done filming!!

My group started off today just as any day. But then my group remembered, were filming today. My group and I had a lot on our mind and ready to film. Everyone was able to film today which was a great start. We began filming the parts with sophia, allison and I. Then worked in a couple films with darrow. After the first shot we didn’t like the angle of it. Sophia tested out a few other angles but couldn’t seem to find the write one so we moved on to our next scene. My group and filmed the part with darrow. We rewatched the clip and it wasn’t what we wanted. So we changed the lighting. We rewatched it again and liked it more. My group shot more times just in case we didn’t get it the first try. My group was really productive today. My group and I thought that we weren’t going to get it done it time. But we were wrong. My group planned ahead and made sure we had a enough time. My group would probably need 1-2 more filming days left. Lastly we ended the day by editing our first clip. ...