
Showing posts from November, 2021


First scene- Our first actress is shown getting ready for a party.They are shown putting on makeup using an eye-level angle. Second scene- Our second actress is shown getting ready for a party as well. This actress is shown doing their hair using an eye-level angle.  Third scene- Our final actress is shown getting ready for a party. they are shown picking out an outfit.  Fourth scene- All three actors are shown in a split screen three ways as they walk to the party. They then there heads to face the camera. Fifth scene- In the fifth scene our actors will be shown meeting up, exchanging greetings and walking in unison using a tracking shot.  Sixth scene-the actors are shown opening the door to the party with excited faces using a close-up shot. Seventh scene- In the seventh scene our main actress stops, and a close-up shot is used to represent her dreaming. Eighth Scene- A spin shot will be used to show the male actor singing to the girl, who is our main actress. Ninth Sce...

planning blog

 Props: -  Our group's music video is for an alternative song so many fun, party props are needed. We will need accessories such as jewelry,  glasses, and hats. We will also need props such as drink cups, a radio, and a microphone.  Costumes: - In our commercial our actors will be wearing party clothes such as colorful, or glittery items. Our male actor will wear black slacks and a white button down. Our female actors will be wearing dresses or fancy skirts. Actors will also be wearing dress shoes such as heels, flats or loafers for our male actor. We will be doing colorful makeup with glitter on our female actors.  Our female actor's hair will be done up or tied out of their faces using hair ties or pins.  Schedule: 11/18/21: Our group began researching conventions and codes of music videos of the alternative genre. 11/19/21:  Our group will start sketching and brainstorming ideas for the music video. After this we will be creating our storyboard. 11/...

research blog

My group is doing a music video for the Alternative song “You make me feel...” by Cobra Starship and Sabi. In this music video, the audience usually sees party costumes, props such as sunglasses, jewelry, flashing lights, and drinks, and large crowds.   • CLAMPS  • 
 • People in these videos usually wear costumes such as party clothes.  • Their appearance is usually young, energetic, and party-goers.   • Makeup is usually done with colorful eyeshadow, or shimmer in order to make those in the music video stand out.  • Those in the music video are happy and let loose having a fun time.  • Props include sunglasses, jewelry, flashing lights, and drinks, and large crowds.  • The setting is usually parties in an open area, bar, or restaurant. Some scenes are filmed in an alternative location such as a photo booth.  • 
 • CAMS • 
 • - Close Up-shot  • - Eye-level • -  low Angle • - Tra...

group blog

  My first group member is Mya Hauser. I met Mya through Katie. She is a very close friend now. She is a good script writer. She has many strengths. She will contribute a lot to our group. The next group member is Katie Weiss aka my best friend. I met her though aice testing because she sat right behind me. I know she's a hard worker and very smart. She is really good at acting. She did theatre for many years.Katie and Maya are really nice and both have a lot of benefits. One of their strengths is determination.They are a hard workers and doesn't let anything get in their way. They both are  good filmers as well as have many amazing ideas. I also contribute to my group. I am a great filmer as well as listener. I use my strengths to help my group strive. I believe our group will strive with all of our core group members. I envision great success in our group and how we work. We are all very smart and work extremely well together.We worked as a team for our last project and it t...

hey its me

 Hi, my name is Jade Walrave. I am a sophomore at Fort Lauderdale High School. I am fifteem. I have a love for cooking. I want to peruse a career in culinary arts when I'm older. I played soccer ever since I was 4. I've recently quit to peruse going to the gym. I played varsity school soccer which has helped my ability to work with a team. I went to a private Montessori school for middle school. I have strong communication skills. I love working with friends because it makes it easier to get things done for me. I have a brother which has also helped me with my social skills. I work at Publix as a bagger and have only worked there for a month. When I first came to fort Lauderdale I had no friends at this school. I was put in a group where i worked with people. It helped me develop my working skills. I believe I am a hard worker and will work well with my group. I also take leadership in what I do. I believe when nothing is to being done I will step up. Im a naturally born leader...