filming again...

We started filming the second scene over the weekend. It was hard to get my group all together at one time. Many times I had work. Trevor was out of town for a few days. While ely was free. Ayden was with his family. Other times we wanted to film when I had work and I couldn’t. Trevor and ely filmed some the parts without me. Although they didn’t finish all of them they still accomplished a lot. I then brainstormed about how I would accomplish editing the film. My ideas were pretty good in my head. My whole group is going to probably finish filming half of the film by the end of the week. Our goals haven’t always come out how we want them. But that is what makes us a team and closer together. We knew that we weren’t going to accomplish a lot due to spring break. So, we planned ahead. We scheduled out how we could finish before the deadline. This included the editing and maybe some days that we thought we could film but ended up not being able to. We then gathered all of our props...